2 Kings 19:23
"By thy servants hast thou reproached the LORD, and hast said, By the multitude of my chariots am I come up to the height of the mountains."
How is it that men reproach God? How is it that they blaspheme His Name? Religious people that take great care to make sure they never say a swear word, and take great pride in keeping themselves from certain activities in this world, because they call themselves Christian, and yet who blaspheme the Name of the LORD, and are a reproach unto the Holy One of Israel. How? By giving glory to themselves. They call it Christianity, but it is really a world of self will-worship. It begins with the words me, myself, and I. We can't even talk about us having come to Christ, because Christ said, "No man can come unto Me, except it were given unto him of My Father." (John 6:65)
There is only one answer that anybody can ever give as to why they are the LORD's, and as to why they have a True Hope of salvation. It is the LORD Jesus Christ. It is by His mercies that we are not consumed. It is by His Blood shed unto death. That is all I can say. “Guilty sinner that I am, it is the LORD Jesus Christ that has paid my horrible sin debt. It is because of His unconditional love that I am kept.”
What the LORD has purposed no one can alter. We say we believe but when the tide begins to rise and the storm darkens the skies, that is the test of whether we really truly believe or not. Nothing can take place, but what He has purposed, and nothing can alter what He does. When we are in good health, and everything seems to be going our way, it is easy to say, “His will be done.” Yet, when the LORD will take a loved one and before your eyes diminish them and cause them to deteriorate into possibly even a vegetative state because of a debilitating illness, reality hits home. It is a matter of looking at it and saying, "Even in this the LORD is doing His will."
Whether He takes one of our children and causes them to run in a rebellious way, headlong as if they had never heard the Gospel, even in that trial, we weigh our heart before the LORD. We must bow to Him for His glory. "It is the LORD: let Him do what seemeth good." (1 Samuel 3:18) That is the reality of His sovereignty. If the LORD has purposed their destruction, they will go that way. So what do we do? We cast ourselves upon His mercy and we bow with our mouths shut. Do we give them direction? Yes. Yet, God is going to teach us, each one in His time and in His manner. He is going to put the Assyrians at our door at some point in our life to where the only way we have to look is up, to Christ!
Bowing to the will of God ought to be the easiest thing in the world. But as a general rule, it's the hardest. And the reason it's the hardest is because we still have the remnants of our sin nature clinging to us. All of us in and of ourselves still like to play God.