The pictures below are from our brother James Mwale in Malawi, Southern Africa, where it has pleased the LORD to raise up a witness for the Gospel of Christ over the past 11 years. Here is news and pictures from a special gathering with one of the 5 congregations that the LORD has raised up as a lighthouse. We recently helped them with materials necessary to build a house for worship in a country where the Gross National Income is $500/year. They provided the labor including making the bricks and putting up the building.
This particular village is where the LORD directed me to travel and preach the first time some 11 years ago. There has been much opposition to the Gospel by other religious organizations in the area, but the LORD has blessed, as He always does, where He purposes the Gospel seed to flourish and grow. Our LORD declared, 'I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it!" Matthew 16:18.
It was my joy to preach for them this past Saturday morning via Skype and to hear them singing and then responding the Gospel of Christ with joy. As the LORD purposed, they rejoiced in hearing Christ preached as they expressed thankfulness to God for a new place to meet as a congregation there.
I share with you the note from Brother James below, as well as the pictures from the gathering. Brother Willie is the preacher that the LORD has raised up to minister the Word in this place.
"It was all full of The Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ the entire Saturday and Sunday April 16/17 here in Namitete at brother Willie's place. The Lord spoke and sinners were pointed to the Most dreadful place called Calvary where sin was judged, paid for, the redeemed were saved, reconciled, justified, and glorified. One thing I remember having taken place at the meeting is the Gospel Of Jesus Christ was preached, and clearly taught.
Thank you for prayers, and powerful service the LORD granted us on Saturday, and accepted us to hear His Word through you Pastor Ken.
The first photos, are of Saturday where Brothers from Mtukwa with Brother Peter are disembarking from the truck they hired, arriving at the venue of gathering on Saturday, and other photos, during Saturday's International Meeting."